I decided to go ahead and do one more post before I left for the south. I wanted to include a few pictures from the Swearing In and a few from the festivities beforehand. We swore-in on the 16th, so of course, we had to have a celebration of the end of PST. Some of our guys in Moldova 20 decided 2 weeks ago that they wanted to have a mustache contest in the weeks leading up to swearing in. Needless to say, they were the butt of many jokes as their little 20 year old faces struggled valiantly to grow hair. At the celebration dinner they stood before the crowd, did a mustache "catwalk" and did some rather in-appropriate mustache stroking to get the voting crowd worked up. A good time was definitley had by all! A lot of the volunteers from groups that are currently serving in Moldova were there as well, so there were many stories, much wine, etc. It is a bit sad to think that some of the people I have been so close to over these weeks will now be pretty far away and I will only see them a couple of times over the next year!
Swearing In was a lot of fun as well. I sang the national anthem, gave a speech in Romanian and was sworn in by the ambassador himself. Our group is down to 28 from the original 34 that left from Philadelphia, but I think the ones who are staying are pretty committed to being here. It is such a wierd feeling when someone leaves. We are so tight that it definitely feels like there is a hole where they used to be. It is hard to imagine that we have only been together for 10 weeks!
I hope everyone is staying well, healthy and happy. Keep in touch!
Love you, glad you are doing well. Hope to see you next year. Please send me your address so I can write to you. Love Mom, via Martha
I want to be Jennifer Lusk. How cool are you!!! I may try to move into your house with Dean and pretend to be you until you return.
Have fun...and drink lots of wine for me.
Jim Ross
Jen, we miss you. i truly admire your spunk and service to others. Jan bartlett hicks
Mom, My address is:
Copul Pacii
Attn: Jennifer Lusk
Grigore Ureche 12
Chisinau, Moldova 2001
Jim, Here are the steps to being me for the next two years: Cook really great food, whine periodically about nobody sweeping the floors, and buy wine in Memphis and/or Dallas once a month or so! Do you think you have what it takes?
Hey Jenny!
Thanks for the address! I called Mom and gave it to her this morning! Hope all is well! Love ya bunches!
Hey, I sweep the floor, right back under the couch where it belongs!
I figure it'll be a while before we
need to actually move the couch right? Well there, problem solved.
Love everyone, DENO
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