You have to love an organization that tells you that you should take a vacation before you leave the country! What better way to get ready for my adventures in Moldovan wine country than to hit Napa Valley with some of my favorite people in the world.
I am off on Sunday to Moldova, so stay tuned!
Okay.....first to comment, isn't that special....second, are you there yet, are you there yet, well, hope you made it or are making it safe and sound, missing you and cannot wait for an update ...oh and I won't even give you a hard time about the opening picture...will just say that Jeremy looks gorgeous!
Same goes for me- are you there yet??? Can't wait to hear how everything is going and all about where you've been so far.
Thinking of you!
So jen, Are you there yet? How is it? Give us an update! My daughter met Jeremy at G School in the lunch line while gossiping with another PV friend about their favorite AP US History teacher. :)
We are looking forward to hearing from you: our window to a part of the world we really don't know much about.
FRI AM pottery class misses you.
Saturday Update for everyone:
I talked to Jen Thursday and she is currently staying with a family about
20 min north of Chisinau. Living conditions are, well, pretty rough.
Running water only to the kitchen, so bathroom is basically an outhouse (which we've had a bit of fun with but I'm sure it's funnier from my end than hers). She does have acess to internet about twice a week and she will be checking in via this blog and e-mails. Food and water are apparantly kinda different but she did say the WINE was pretty good (made on site where she is living - imagine that!)
Thanks to everyone for keeping up with our world saver, it means a lot to both of us.
deno, THANKS! for the update....i really needed it! well at least she has wine...for the time being at least, i think our girl will be just fine, and the outhouse, yeah that is pretty funny, i can just see her now, she's laughing,right Jen, I mean it is funny right?..btw Happy Father's Day xo
Thanks for the update Dean! An outhouse, huh? Well I'm sure the wine makes up for everything. Awesome that they make it on sight. How great is that?!?!
Can't wait to hear more. Hope all is going well with you, Jen and Jeremy. Scott and I have our new cattle dog puppy- only 6 weeks old, so between her and Daisy that is all that we are up to!
Take care!
oops, i don't think the first message made it, so if this is redundant...ignore. jennifer! hope you're having an incredible beginning to your adventure. friday mornings miss you...and i don't mean just the food! you're in my thots and prayers daily. has the pre trip apprehension subsided? even the down times are worthwhile. if we were on the mountaintop all the time there probably wouldn't be enough oxygen getting to our brains. will enjoy following your saga. love you! connie f
OK Comcast is giving me a fit with this internet on internet off crap...I'm with Connie, if this is redundant, just ignore Anyway,,,,,,, Time for a Saturday Update>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I have talked to Jen several times since my last update and she sounds MUCH better. Amazingly enough, she has learned enough Romainian already to be able to navigate around the area and be able finally to communicate with her host family (which helps a LOT!) She navigated the bus systems to Chisinau and back with no major problems and says that things like shopping and asking directions, etc are becoming much easier. Think she is finally getting her bearings and becoming used to the conditions, although she says it is still very much a challenge to get used to. Classes are about 4 hours per day with about 2 hours of homework per night.
Good news, she has her permanant assignment!!! She will be teaching at a University in COHUL and she was very excited about that. Cohul is apparantly a medium size town (which is good because it isn't huge, therefore all walkable). She is extremely happy with the assignment because she thinks she will be able to get her own apartment in Cohul instead of living with a host family. It has an Internet cafe and Grocery Store, all of which, she was very happy about. But the main thing is that it is only about 5 KM from the Romainian border which means a fairly simple trip to and from Bucharest, which is much cheaper to fly in and out of than
Chisinau. Dates for the transition are as follows: "Swearing in" on August 17 (whatever that is) and teaching to begin around Sept 1.
She is still trying to get good connection to this blog to be able to post pictures. Apparantly the internet over there is about as reliable as Comcast has been here lately. Anyway, I'm on my way to shop for the list of things that apparantly don't exist in Moldova (Cumin, Chili Powder, Paprika, Cookbooks, Dress Shoes, and colored index cards).
Again, many thanks to all of you for keeping up with our girl. I'll keep you posted on updates.
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