(Above) Part of the USA gang at Jim's for New Year's. All of the guys headed out to the fire to smoke cigars and scratch themselves (or whatever it is that men do when they are together!)
(Above) Two of my favorite ladies in the universe... Ruthie and Judy! I was so happy to hang out with you guys. Thanks so much for taking the time to arrange lunch with the PV folks and to come over. Love you!!!!!
...it worries me that this man is influencing the young minds of Arkansas! Seriously though, Jim, you are delightful and I had an amazing time over at your place on New Year's. Thanks for hosting the shindig and for coming over and hanging out while I was home. Don't forget to be good to your wife! You'll never find another woman who will put up with your shenanigans!
Back in Istanbul... Splurged on a nice dinner in a rooftop restaurant that overlooked the Blue Mosque. Istanbul is gorgeous and I definitely want to go back to see it again. Picked up a few tricks on how to stay out of the rug shops and away from everyone's uncles... Life truly is a lifelong learning experience!
Random beautiful door.
Enough for today. I miss you all, am wrapping things up (bittersweet!) in Moldova, and can't wait to see you all again. Thanks for following my journey...
My second foray into Istanbul was more successful, but I was pretty sad to be away from all of you. It was probably good that I could hide in my room at the hotel and be sad for a day or two before coming back to Moldova and seeing everyone. Life is so full of yin and yang experiences! I love what I have done in Moldova, but I really have missed everyone and will be so happy to get back to the US and figure out what the next adventure will be.