Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Springtime....
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Springtime in Moldova
Students at the Russian school #3 in Cahul.
I also feel like I am getting the hang of my job, so that is making me happy. I have accepted that I will never be able to predict the way things work on the administrative level and I am just concentrating on teaching the intelligent and interesting students at the university in Cahul. I have also had the opportunity to go out to some of the "high schools" in town and talk to the younger kids and that has been a lot of fun as well. My students at the university have been out doing their student teaching, so many of them have been inviting me to come and speak to their classes. The little ones are so cute!!!!!! I am really enjoying the work I am doing here and think that the hardest part of adjusting to a new language, culture, etc. is behind me.
One of the underground roads of wine at the Milesti Mici vineyard. Now that is a lot of wine....
My favorite part of the tour... The tasting!!!!!
This is Michelle attempting to say "NO!" to one more glass of wine. Needless to say, she was not successful in this endeavor!
This is Lynn having a bit of cheesecake rapture!!!
I have no idea what the commotion was! I think maybe there was some fighting over the dishes.
From left to right, Marlena (seated), Crystal, Kieren, Lynn, Liza and Michelle (looking like a gangster in the background!)
It wouldn't be a party without a crazy picture of Liza. She hosted this crazy bunch of women and we spent all day long in her kitchen cooking and drinking wine. We love you Liza!
This was taken right before the party broke up. Liza appears to be on her knees praying in the background. She is either praying that she won't be hung over tomorrow or for us to leave, I am not sure which one!
I wish everyone a beautiful Spring and a happy Easter. We celebrate a very interesting Easter here on the 27th of April, then the first week of May is a special Easter of the Dead where everyone goes to the cemeteries and eats and drinks graveside. Should be interesting....